How much mold is too much mold in a house?

There is no general guideline for the degree of damage that exposure to mold can cause. The effects of exposure to mold manifest themselves differently in each person. For people who have asthma, are allergic to mold, or have a weakened immune system, just a small amount of exposure can be harmful. A small amount of mold is not a problem.

However, too much mold can be especially harmful. There are 10,000 mold spores in the space the size of a pen. I'll let that settle for a moment. Mold can start to grow on the interior surfaces of buildings and on furniture if there is too much moisture.

Over time, mold will damage the materials on which it grows and can cause health effects for occupants. The most practical way to detect a mold problem is to simply use your eyes and nose to detect signs of excess moisture and mold growth. Some of the most common varieties of indoor mold are Aspergillus, Cladosporium and Stachybotrys atra, which is also known as black mold. In that case, you should seek the help of a professional mold removal service as soon as possible.

If you have a mold allergy, you may experience significant breathing difficulty when you come into contact with mold. Studies have shown that ozone, even at high concentrations, is not effective in eliminating airborne mold or surface mold pollution.

Rex Mungle
Rex Mungle

Pizza enthusiast. Typical beer lover. Hardcore beer evangelist. Friendly twitter trailblazer. Wannabe music aficionado. Certified bacon ninja.

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